Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spring Soccer

Lindsey bundled up.
Lindsey (on the right) and Gracie going after the ball.
I know this is blurry, but it was of Lindsey being AGGRESSIVE!
My little soccer player.

Lindsey had her first soccer game today at 8:30. It was 40 degrees, raining, and windy. It was COLD. Her team played the REALLY good team in the league, so they lost. Lindsey got SO close to scoring. Despite the loss and the cold temps, she said she had fun and looked like she did.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kramer Is Not Mean!!!!! (all the time)

Kramer has a reputation of being mean. See....he's letting Lindsey love him in these pictures!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Anna Comes For A Visit

Lindsey is teaching Anna to read... well, maybe not.
Anna is ALMOST walking on her own. (Yarbroughs are slow walkers... Lindsey didn't walk until 15 months... Anna will be 14 months next week)
Anna crawled up to Aunt Laurie and then stood up.
Happy baby!!!
Still happy!!!
A Kleenex box is better than any $100 toy!!!!

We got to keep Anna the night of her mommy's birthday. She was great! She had fun playing with Lindsey... and Lindsey's tub toys (it was the only thing that was baby-proof that we have anymore!)