Thursday, December 13, 2007

Lindsey's 1st Grade Christmas Musical

Lindsey dressed like an elf.
The 1st grade choir
Lindsey had her 1st grade Christmas musical this week. She had a speaking part in it... a year ago she would have never done that, but she did great! It's funny in the video below. She forgets the words but then the part of the song everyone knows... she sings loudly!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas With The Cousins

On Sunday we went home to celebrate Christmas with my grandmother's family. When we were all sitting there... we realized all the grandkids were little girls except for one child. All the little girls sat around giggling the whole time. She got to open one Christmas gift... she got a Cheetah girl's doll.

Lindsey's 7th Birthday

After Lindsey and her friends slid down all the slides and bounced around for the millionth time, it was time to eat the cake and open her gifts. Her cake had horses on it and was half vanilla and half chocolate.... Lindsey loves horses and chocolate. She got a lot of nice gifts... probably her favorites would be a Hannah Montana doll, 3 webkinz, and pete the parrot (that repeats what you say).

Lindsey's 7th Birthday

Lindsey is just a blur as she flies down a slide.
We're all tired!

Lindsey turned 7 on Saturday. I cannot believe it. It's hard to believe 7 years ago our little girl came into the world. Her party was at the Jump Zone. There were about 30 kids there. I tried to do a count, but with all of them running around, it was hard. All I can say is about every 30 seconds we would see Lindsey run by and then after her would be dozens of little people. They all played for an hour an fifteen minutes... jumping on 6 or 7 different inflatables.