Monday, February 20, 2006

Our Little Scholar!!

Today Laurie and I had our second parent/teacher conference with Lindsey's teacher, Mrs. Bounds. She had nothing but great things to say about Lindsey!! They have started to work on reading with her and some of the other students. They cannot force them to do it because reading skills are not supposed to be taught until kindergarten... but Mrs. Bounds says Lindsey is eager to learn to read! Lindsey is also learning to sound out words to learn to spell them. Mrs. Bounds showed us a picture Lindsey had drawn of a flower and out beside the drawing she had written "flrw." There was another of them where she had drawn a house and she had written "hse." She said Lindsey had done this all by herself without the teachers asking her to do it!! Mrs. Bounds says she is more than ready for kindergarten!