Saturday, December 17, 2005

Lindsey Loves Christmas Lights!

Friday night, December 16th, we took Lindsey to Searcy and decided to stop in Berryhill park to see all the Christmas lights. They have replicas of some of the downtown buildings just made of lights. You can walk through them... so Lindsey went exploring in the lights! There were also huge trees made of lights. The picture to the right is Lindsey standing in front of one... she's the little thing in purple in front of the green tree.

Lindsey's School Christmas Party

On Friday December 16th Lindsey had her Christmas party at her school. All the kids got to eat a bunch of junk! Lindsey ate chips and a cupcake.... what a combo! Then after they ate their treats, they got to play games. One of the games they played was Christmas bingo. Lindsey got bored after a while and didn't want to play anymore. After the games Mrs. Bound and Miss Santrice gave the kids a book for Christmas. She loved that since she loves books so much!

Monday, December 12, 2005

LIndsey Celebrates Her Birthday With Her Friends

Lindsey had her 5th birthday party with her friends on Sunday December 11th. It was at "Pump it Up," a place where they have a bunch of blow up things for kids to bounce around in and slide down. The supervisors at the party even let us adults bounce around on them when the kids were not playing! Lindsey had fun... but mom and dad were exhausted after the whole thing. Lindsey bounced around for 1 1/2 hours... we only did it for a few minutes and that made us tired. We don't know where she gets her energy!!