Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Lindsey Loved Halloween!!

On halloween it rained ALL day. It was the first day it had rained in Little Rock in over a month and, of course, it had to on halloween. But, of course, that didn't stop Lindsey. She dressed up as Glenda The Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz. She was worried about the kids not being able to get candy from us at our house so she told Laurie to stay home! So, Lindsey and I took our umbrellas and started to go through the neighborhood. At first she only wanted to go to houses where she knew people. I told her that was a good rule on a normal day but on halloween she could go to any house! There were a lot of kids out in our neighborhood and after a while she met up with some friends. When she saw they were going to all the houses, she joined right along. She got a TON of candy. She was very tired when the night was complete.

Lindsey Goes To The Pumpkin Patch

On October 30th Laurie and Lindsey went to the pumpkin patch in Grady, AR (just over an hour south of Little Rock). I couldn't go because I was sick. We've been there every year since Lindsey's been with us. (and even some years before then!) They went with a lot of our friends who have children Lindsey's age. Lindsey got to go a hay ride and, of course, pick pumpkins off the vines. Lindsey brought home four... two big ones and two tiny ones. She called the little ones "the babies." On Halloween we all three carved the two big pumpkins to put outside. Lindsey drew on the pumpkins how she wanted the faces to look! She did a pretty good job.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Welcome To Lindsey's Blog

Welcome to the blog where I will brag on Lindsey! I will try to update this often with what she does most days and with pictures for those of you who do not get to see her every day! Feel free to make comments on the page because I will read them to her!