Friday, December 09, 2005

Lindsey Turns 5!

Lindsey turned 5 on Thursday December 8th. It's hard to believe it's been 5 years since she came into the world. For her birthday dinner, she chose to go to Chuck E. Cheese. She had a blast playing all the games. She ended up playing air hockey with a little boy and she beat him 7-0!! She was really good. He got upset because she beat him. There were some adults watching and they were laughing.... They couldn't believe how good she was. I told them it was a fluke! At the end of the evening, one of the guys who was watching her play air hockey gave her all his tickets he had won at the games. He said "This if for beating that boy!"

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Lindsey Has A Busy Weekend!

The weekend of December 3rd and 4th was very busy. Saturday we went to the Little Rock Christmas Parade. (However it didn't feel like a Christmas parade... it was 80 degrees!) We met Chuck, Annette, and Robert Gatlin at the parade. When we got there, two of Lindsey's classmates from Rockefeller Elementary were there, Jacob and Olivia. Lindsey had fun playing with them before and during the parade. After the parade, the state capitol had a lighting ceremony for the season. They also had a fireworks display after the lighting ceremony. The fireworks didn't last very long. Lindsey said, "Is that all?"!

On Sunday we went to see "Beauty and the Beast" at the Arkansas Rep. She LOVED it. She said her favorite parts where when they sang "Be our Guest" and when the beast changed into the prince. She had a lot of questions with how they did that! One funny thing she said was she could tell Gaston did not have muscles as big as they wanted you to think he had. She said she knew he was wearing padding!! It always amazes me what she will notice that I don't think she will notice.