Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Look, something's missing!

Today Laurie took Lindsey to the eye doctor and he told Lindsey she didn't need to wear glasses anymore!!!! We got glasses for her when she was 2 years old. She was barely talking and walking so she doesn't remember when she didn't wear glasses. The doctor said her eyes corrected themselves. He said she may need glasses again later in life because one of her eyes isn't perfect but it may get worse later in life. But it wasn't bad enough for her to have to wear glasses. We're going to go back in 6th months to make sure everything is still ok with her eyes.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mom's Day 2008

Me Me holds Anna while we wait.
Me Me and her two granddaughters
Lindsey and Mommy!!!

For Mother's Day this year we all went to Olive Garden.... BIG MISTAKE! We had an hour and a half wait before we sat down. It really wasn't that bad. We sat around talking before we ate, so that helped the time pass. Most of it we just held and looked at Anna! For Mother's Day Lindsey and I got Laurie a bike. She likes it a lot and has already ridden it quite a few times around the neighborhood.

Lindsey's Spring Soccer Party

Lindsey gets her trophy.
Lindsey and her trophy.
Lindsey ate a black cupcake... it was like tar on her face!!!
All the girls acting silly!

Last week Lindsey had her end of the season soccer party. We went to a party room at a local restaurant, and it was VERY loud in there with eight 7-year-old girls! Lindsey got another trophy that she is very proud of.