Thursday, January 01, 2009

Lindsey's Training For A "Marathon"

Lindsey is training for the kids marathon. Since kids cannot really run 26.2 miles in one day, they have them run 25 miles before the race and then the day of the race they run their last 1.2 miles. She'll get a T-shirt and medal just like Dad! She asked to run the kids marathon last year on the day of the race. I had taken her to the marathon expo with me to pick up my race information, (I ran the half marathon last year) and that's where she asked. I told her it was too late. So this year I asked her if she still wanted to do it and she said yes. So, every once in a while she goes out and runs 1 mile and I ride a bike beside her as she runs. Every day except for the day in the pictures she's had to walk some of it, but on the day I took the pictures she ran the whole mile! So far she's run 7 miles... just 18 more to go before race day on March 15th!

The Moix's Visit

This week my best friend from college and his family came to visit for Christmas. This was the first time we had a chance to meet their new son, Gavin. Lindsey, Mackenzie, Matt, and me spent some time running around the house playing nerf dart tag!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas In Hughes

This past weekend we went to Hughes to visit Laurie's parents for Christmas. This year they bought 4 Wheelers and Lindsey LOVED riding on them. She even got to drive!!! (and, yes, those are ear muffs on Brownie the dog in the picture above!)