Saturday, January 20, 2007

Lindsey Crams One Month Of Reading Into One Night

Lindsey's teacher gives rewards (a pizza from Pizza Hut) to her students when they read 10 books in a month. Lindsey figured out that some of her classmates were reading all 10 books in one night so she wanted to do the same. We did NOT pressure her to do it. We actually had to tell her to stop reading that night so she could go to bed. So, first thing the next morning, instead of turning on Spongebob Squarepants like she usually does, she broke out her books on the couch and finished reading all 10!

Lindsey's Friends Come To Play

The week of Christmas some of our friends from college who were in town for the holidays came over to visit and brought their kids over to play with Lindsey. Makenzie is 2 and Andrew is 4. Notice Andrew is almost as tall as Lindsey, who is 6. But Andrew's dad is well over 6 feet tall! Despite the age rage of the three, they got along well!