Monday, September 10, 2007

Lindsey's First Soccer Game

Lindsey throws ball in after it was kicked out of bounds.

Lindsey chases girl on other team to try to get the ball.

Coach Brandon talks to the girls. (Lindsey is #2... notice how much shorter she is! Poor baby, she'll always be the smallest)

Lindsey goes to kick the ball.

Lindsey's first soccer game was this past Saturday...the girls decided to call their team the terrible tigers. The games are played with 4 girls (all age 6) and the games are about an hour long. Lindsey got to play a lot, but she started out really timid. As the game went on she got better and better.... taking the ball away from the other team. BUT the other team was REALLY good. I was impressed with the talent of some of those 6 year old girls. Lindsey's team lost 16-2!!! But what was great is the girl's didn't care... they all had so much fun and Lindsey can't wait for the next game!

Lindsey Loses Her First Tooth

Lindsey finally lost her first tooth. She has been asking when she was going to do so. She actually had two teeth come up behind two of her baby teeth... both babies were loose, but so far only one has come out. The first one that came out fell out while she was at school in her old kindergarten room. Mrs. Daniel taped it to the Happy Gram you see above. She was very excited... especially after the tooth fairy came and gave her money. She hasn't decided what she was going to do with the money.