Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lindsey's Kindergarten Recognition Program

Today after Lindsey's end of the year program (see below post) they had a recognition ceremony for all that the students had achieved in kindergarten. Lindsey got recognized for completing all the books assigned to her every month of the school year... she got an all star reader certificate. She also got a certificate for being in art club. And then a certificate for completing kindergarten. I cannot believe all that Lindsey has learned this year in kindergarten. She scored very high on the benchmark exams and is already reading on a 2nd grade level. Her teacher was wonderful and really helped her grow. She is more than ready for 1st grade!

Lindsey's Kindergarten End Of The Year Program

Today all 4 kindergarten classes at Lindsey's school did an end of the year program called The "Very Hungry Kindergartner". They went through the months in the school year and explained what they learned all year. Lindsey had two parts in the program. First, she was a pickle when they were talking about what they learned about eating right. Then, she had a speaking roll when they were explaining a life cycle of a chicken. Boy, they learn more than just their ABC's and 123's in kindergarten now!